Schemes for Donations
Donations can be made for any of the Services being provided by Mangal Bhavan. These donations can be made by way of Article (After taking the approval of Society re quality/quantity), Annapoorna Scheme and for any other specific cause.
Society is running the Free Bhandhara (Tea, Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner) every day for the Yatries. This Bhandhara is done from the donations received by Society from donors enrolled under the Annapoorna Scheme. To be a member of the scheme, Society is enrolling Donors on a Once in the Life Time payment of Rs.1,01,000/= (Rupees One Lakh one thousands only). The day long Bhandhara in Mangal Bhavan for one day to be specified by the prospective member at the time of enrolelement under the scheme will be held for the occasion. The amount received from the Scheme members is deposited in a Fixed deposit and the target of the Society is to enrole 365 members so that a part of the Bhandhara expenses are covered with the interest received. The Bhandhara on the specified date will be held AS LONG AS MANGAL BHAVAN EXISTS. The Scheme is open at present and Society seeks donors for the same.
Besides above, the Society accepts payments by Crossed Cheques/Pay orders/Demand Drafts drawn in favour of “Shri Mahamai Mitra Mandal Charitable Society (Regd)” or
Donations can also be made directly in Society’s Bank account as detailed below: